Delicious cakes and snacks

Ways Your Retail Food Business Will Benefit From Point Of Sale Systems

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Some owners of startup food businesses may assume that transacting using a conventional cash register may be an economical way of keeping operational costs low. Although this was a staple in businesses, this method of processing transactions in not the most effective option you could consider. To stay competitive in the food retail business, you would have to adapt the latest technologies into your business. One of these advancements that you could consider when it comes to processing transactions would be a point of sale system. Read More»

Fabulous Finger Foods For Everyone To Enjoy

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Gone are the days when people with dietary requirements and preferences struggled to find things to eat at parties—in the 21st century, it’s important to be able to cater for all your guests. If you don’t want to fall into the trap of leaving people with nothing to nibble on but carrot sticks and hummus, try incorporating some of these delicious and versatile finger foods into your party spread. The best news is that every single one of them is both vegan and gluten-free! Read More»